Friday, May 14, 2010

SKYPE Chat with Room 8 @ Fairfield School. Dunedin

Hi Kea Class,

Today we were lucky to meet the children from Room 8 at Fairfield School via SKYPE.
It was a great chance to experience a new way of communicating using a web cam.

Please post your thoughts and ideas for future SKYPE chats with Room 8 and other classes.


Mr Douglas.


  1. Hi Kea,

    I really enjoyed meeting Room 8 at Fairfield School on SKYPE.

    I thought the questions they asked us were really good.

    I think next time we should sit at our desks as alot of people were jumping up to the laptop.

    I think next time we should show them our classroom.

    See you on Monday.

  2. Hi
    I think it was great to meet another class in Dunedin and not in wellington. It was cool to see how other kids our age do stuff and work. Next time we skype everyone should sit at their desk insted of crowding round the laptop. We should also show them our classroom. Overall I think it was brilliant.

  3. hi kea
    WHAT A BRILLIANT IDEA MR D !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I thought it was awsome to see a class from another school . i recomend next time we sit at are one desks as it was a bit to hard to get in the picture. any way it was still great!!!
    cu tomorrow
    see ya

  4. hi kea class

    I really enjoyed talking to room 8 they were really cool and I really liked the questions they asked and alot of them where to do with this blog and I liked the one for the blog roles it was fun.

    I think we should do it again I really enjoyed it it was really cool to see them and them to see us I think we should do it more to othe schools in New Zealand or maybe other countries such as australia because the time differenes is easyer.

    I asked a question but I can't remeber what it was and I also said thank you at the end.

    What really stood out for me is that they are rally simliar to us like they have a blog and we have a blog and they sit together and we sit together in different groups and so on.

    I really enjoyed talking to room 8 at fairfield they are really cool hope we can do it again.

    Eilish Brennan

  5. Hi kea
    I think that talking to room 8 at Fairfeild School.
    It was awesome i thought the questions they asked us were good.
    I think it worked well and that we should do it again somtime,and we should do it again somtime

  6. Hi Kea,

    I really enjoyed meeting and helping Fairfield school.

    The question they asked were very cool.

    I liked it would love to do it again.

    Thanks Mr D for the great experiment.

    c u Monday :]

  7. I liked talking with room 8 Fairfield school. It was good that they asked us questions and we got to ask them questions too.

  8. Hello,
    I think the SKYPE thing was really cool and i liked how they had so many great questions and that we should think of some to ask them about their school.

    These are some examples
    How many classes do you have in your school?
    Do you have houses as in house groups if you do/ do you have colours and what are they?
    Does your school have a school netball or rugby etc team?

    We had a cool chat but i don't think everyone crowd up to the camera this time because it was very squishy.

    the experience was great and i can't wait to do it again.

    I've just got a quick question or you Mr Douglas is he really your cosin?

    Anyway thanks for the awesome morning it was AWESOME!!!!!!!

  9. Hi

    I think it was great talking to Room 8 on skype.
    The questions they/we asked were very good
    Next Time i think we should do it at the IWB so its not so squishy.
    I think we should make time to do it every
    friday morning and make it part of our routine.

    Anyway I think it was great and cant wait to do it next time.

    c u 2morrow

    ps. can we skype a school in america next time? (random question, don't know why I asked...)

    (: Vincent :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Kieran said hi it was very cool meeting a class on SKYPE in dunedin and people talking to each other and thanks Vincent for makeing the camera go you the boom

  12. Hi Kea!!!

    I really liked skype because it's really fun,and we also learnt stuff about room 8's timetable. I thought that room 8 and their teacher were really nice. I would really like it if we got to do skype again!
