Monday, August 16, 2010

Newsround Articles.

Hi Kea Class,

Please read this article and post your thoughts and feelings below.
Have a look around the newsround website and read an article. Then I would like you to write a brief summary of it.

Good Luck,

Mr Douglas.


  1. Hi Kea class

    I hope that they find lots of the missing people and that they can start rebuilding the buildings again.
    I think that it's quite sad as well.

    Bye for now

  2. Hi again

    I read the jellyfish article.
    Lots of jellyfish have invaded a Spanish beach.
    Many people have been hurt.


  3. It's sad to hear that all these people have died in the earthslides. I hope that most of the people get rescued and that they rebuildall the buildings.

  4. Hi Kea Class,
    I think it is really good that authorities are sending food, water and tents to the affected areas but it would still be a tradgedy for the families of the people that died and the people affected by it. I hope the missing people are found.

    The article I looked at was Sisters Living Life Without Hair. It is about two sisters who have a condition called alopecia, which can leave you bald. Emily- 11 and Faye- 9 both have the condition and have been bald since they were young. Emily and Faye have just got back from the first UK Summer Camp for children of their age with the condition.

    See you tomorrow,

  5. I looked at an article where a company in America spellt school "shcool". They painted it on the road to warn drivers that kids might be crossing.

  6. Hi kea class,
    I think it is nice that they are getting sent food, water and tents. It is very sad.

  7. Hi kea

    I also tthink it is nice they are getting sent food,water and tents.
    I hope they fin the missing peaple and the buildings get rebuilt.

    BYE :)

  8. Hi kea
    It is very sad that landslides have killed 300 people and 1,100 people are missing in north west China.It is good to hear that rescures are trying to dig people out of buildings that have been buried. China is dealing with the worst flods in 10 years.What's also good is that the athorites are sending food,water and tents to the affected areas.

  9. Hi there Kea

    It's so sad that the people in Gansu have been buried or lost their families. I really hope that the houses and hotels get rebuilt. The fire brigade soldiers and helicopters are really thoughtful to help out.

  10. Hi again Kea
    It's really sad to think that dog got stuck in the pipe, but it's also great to have the dog out again. It must have been hard to get that dog unstuck if it took 7 hours and not hurt. It then had a check up to see if it was in good condition, and it was. I'm happy for the dog that it was ok and not hurt.

  11. I think that it was really sad for the people who have died in the landslide. I think that it is a really good thing that other people are trying to save survivors that have been buried by the buildings and mud. I hope that the missing people get found. Maybe other people from other countries can help as well as the Red Cross.

    Hundred stung by jellyfish!!!

    There have been lots of people that have been stung (1,000)in Coasta Blanca (Spain)while

  12. I think Its really sad for the people there.
    It is nice that they are sending food and equipment.

    I read Fox cub stranded on pool lilo.
    A fox was stranded on a inflateball in the middle of a pool!

    (: Vincent :)

  13. olla kea
    I think it's terrible that over 300 people have died and also that 1,100 are missing because it's still sad that people are dead but at least
    they still have a funeral it must be frightening for those who have lost their friends/family.
    I also hope that the people that are missing get found and that the familys who lost the people they know have something really nice happen to them even better,they are found and alive thanks for reading.

    bye bye

  14. Hi kea class
    A tragic accident in China. All those people killed in the land slide. Good on the people who are helping rescue all those buried.Hope they all get out safely. next coment in a moment.

  15. Bonjour Kea,
    I just read the article about the boy with a condition called alopecia.
    It's when your hair starts to fall out and you can become very bald.
    The boy with the condition's name was Dale.
    He hasn't been able to go to school, because the school won't let him wear his baseball cap, but said he could wear a beanie - but Dale finds those uncomfortable and it makes his eczema worse.
    It seems the picture on his cap could be a problem. Hopefully the school might let him wear a plain one.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Hellow Keaaaaaaaaa! (again)
    He won after a 7-5 7-5 match that was interrupted by rain.He also has to beat Rafael Nadal in the semi-finals.

  18. hi there,kea WOW 300 PEOPLE DIED AND LOTS MISSING for one thing i hope the find those missing people that did look like a huge landslide.byee. AMELIA :D

  19. back again and like conor said that was very tragic.I wonder how the people that are alive copping....see ya

    AMELIA :-) :) :D B)

  20. SORRY BACK ONCE AGAIN .lol. i hope they can rebuild al the houses and buildings!!! thats sad.were losing population in the world D: i hope they find out a way to build and find food and also find the other people.!!! bye goin to school now :) Amelia -.- XD
