Monday, August 17, 2009

Hi Kea Class,

Your homework is to publish 2 paragraphs from your narrative writing on our blog page.

Here are your instructions:

Publish your paragraphs in microsoft word. Make sure that all of your spelling and punctuation is correct. Then copy your piece of writing and paste it into the comments section of the blog site.

(When you have finished writing highlight all of the text right click on the text and select copy. Then go to the Kea Class blog page and right click on the comments box and select paste)

If you are having trouble try asking Mum or Dad for help.

If you have time take a look at these photos: and post your thoughts.

Mr Douglas.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. One day there was a boy called Jack and his friend Tom.
    They were waiting at the bus stop for a bus to get home.
    Then Jack and Tom heard a strange noise.
    Did you her that.
    Said Jack.
    Said Tom.

  3. The Graveyard
    By Molly Waddington
    “Well it’s my turn to dare you” said Sam “I dare you two to walk through Wilton’s graveyard”. Ruby gulped but Liam said “easy peasy lemon squeasy when do we do it?” “Tonight, when it’s dark” said Sam. “Deal” said Liam.
    So at night time Ruby and Liam stepped out into the darkness to the graveyard. The Wind blew. It was a creepy old graveyard. Ruby looked at the gravestones and they were scary. “Are you sure these gravestones aren’t ghosts?” said Ruby “Of course not!” said Liam “Honestly Ruby you’re such a baby”. OOOH! moaned the wind. “What was that?” said Ruby “oh just the wind” said Liam. “I see you have come alone” said a voice, “very funny Liam” said Ruby “that wasn’t me” said Liam “AHHHH!” SCREAMED Ruby. Then they heard giggles from the bush. “Sam!” Ruby screamed “you should have seen your faces!” said Sam

  4. Mr Doglus when you paste it it dosn't come up
    with the paragraphs?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. One day Alice brought her dog to show the class, everyone enjoyed it except for the boys, they were board as if they were sleeping alive. James wanted payback for what
    'Alice did',so he brought to school his army
    doll collection, James talked on and on and the more James talked the more board the girls were.

  7. The girls had a great idea, everytime the boys payback the girls pull a prank, and so they did,
    this time their prank was waxed floor. The next day , everyone slipped and slid on the floor except for the girls, they were wearing special shoes. When class started Mr Merse came in and slid on his bum, everyone cracked up laughing, the class started, everyone called Mr
    Merse ' the bum slider'.

  8. Hot dog man vs sauce man

    Hot dog man was taking a nice stroll when he felt a splat of sauce he looked around and sauce man is thowing sauce at him he went over to him and said" what seem's to be the proplem with you".

    Sauce man said"I don't want you to use sauce in your hot dog I'll fight you for it" so he pushed hot dog man he pushed him back they sarted to fight.

  9. ps.Those Elephants were a sad sight.

  10. "I'm much braver than you." Jack said to Tim and Jake.
    "Shutup", said Jake.
    "Why should I whimps? You can't even go down the pitch black water slide!"
    "We weren't allowed." Said Tim
    "Let's go." Said Jake.
    And the two boys left.
    "To scared to talk aye?" Said Jack, as the boys walked away.
    "I love teasing," he said to himself.
    Then the bell rang for the end of school.
    Jake and Tim were really mad.
    "We should do something to him," said Jake.
    "I know!" Said Tim.
    "What?" Said Jake in surprise.

  11. About the elephants.
    I think it's good that the people are looking after the elephant. And I hope they get better.

  12. yeah harry it is nice cause imagine it out in the wild

  13. hi mr douglas respond to this

    i cant seem to add friends any more

  14. The potion

    Albert an old scientist invented a potion that makes you the strongest person in the world. He put the potion in a camera controlled area.

    While Albert and Philippe his helper were working in the lab a green and blue monster called Jimbo and a black hired guy named Michael came to the lab. They smashed the door, that lead into the house open and to the room where the potion was. As Jimbo smashed the door to the potion room open the alarm went of. Jimbo and Michael quickly stole the potion and headed for the exit.

  15. One sunny July morning at Oak Hollow Lisa arrived at Prancer’s stable. In the stable next door
    Veronica’s posh talk was screaming. “Harry tack
    up Garnet. I’m here to ride not tack up”. “Maxi
    set up this stable so children could learn to
    ride and tack up ponies and groom them too.”
    Lisa couldn’t hold her giggles. Veronica thought
    she could order anyone because her Parents
    had loads of money.

  16. Samuel Telford’s story
    The race
    Characters:ref (is dead), me,mohawke dude,waffle seller,crazy go kart man (injured),interviewer,smokes racer(who smokes alot)
    Then the crazy Smokes racer goes crazy then disorientated boom,he hits the tyre wall up in flames he goes.

    Mohawke dude has one more lap to go (he is showing off)the finish line is right in sight,Mohawke dude takes the chequred flag.

  17. all of those storys are great ive read them all

    Great work kea

  18. Tom said " we need to start heading
    back now"
    " OK " said Suzy
    Tom said " um Suzy do you know the
    way back"
    " no you were meant to know
    " that means were lost"
    said Tom

  19. Stop that’s five minutes, if any of your desks are not spotless you have one hour after school detention on Friday this week. Bang, bang, bang as the desks go down. She was up to me now and I knew that my desk wasn’t spotless.
    ‘Lift up your desk’ yells Mrs. Maroon Daniel lifts up his desk aaaaarrrrrrrrrr squeals Mrs. Maroon a rat a rat help. The rat goes around the class and hits Alice on the leg then it bits Mrs. Maroon on the leg.

  20. hi mr m can you please tell me how you put a picture on your account

  21. ok hannah first if you wanna keep on hearing from people quickly refresh the page and then you go to add photo and place a photo


  22. Hey mr douglas that homework was fun

  23. hay now i have two accounts how did that happen

  24. Grand theft auto
    World abomination

    ‘The fires put out lets go’ says a fireman the hose turns of ‘did you find anyone in the building’ says the man with the hose he other ‘no’ says the other ‘this was no accident’ says another ‘no way’ says the other firemen he’s right says a voice from inside the fire truck then a head comes out of the truck.

    ‘who are you’ says a fireman ‘jack’ he answers ‘last name’ the same man says ‘it’s just jack’ jack said ‘the robbers, mad men and kallob are behind this’ jack says again ‘who’s kallob’ says a fireman ‘kallob is grand theft auto’ jack says ‘never heard of him’ all the firemen say ‘you soon will’

  25. da stories wre so good but u hav 2 say mine was da best hahahahahahahaha

  26. Hey Mr D
    lucky elephant ( its new leg ).
    Sad story.

  27. about the elephants

    thats so sad and about the 1 who had to keep changing his fake foot.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Hi Kea Class,
    It must be hard for the three year old elephant that has to keep changing the fake leg.
    I feel sad for both of them.

  30. Hi again,
    Hannah, if yoy would like to change your profile picture, go onto options which is below your name(you can only do that if you are signed in), then go into site settings.
    From there, click on add a photo.
    It should come up with some options down the side. Choose my computer, and it will come up with your saved photos. Click on the one you would like, then upload your photo. It should then come up with your photo in your profile.

  31. Wrong Turns

    Five minutes later, she was entering the forest,
    a map in her hands.
    She walked on, until she came to an intersection.
    “Which way?” she thought to herself.
    Probably this way, she thought,
    But it wasn’t! “I’m lost!” she thought.
    She looked at her map, but it was no use
    So she sat down on a comfy, mossy patch of the forest, and sighed.

    Then she thought! If I scream, someone might hear me! So she screamed,
    and screamed, until she was out of breath, and started listening for any sign
    of anyone coming.
    But no-one was. She sat back down, and sighed, again.
    Lost, she thought, and no-one to help me!
    Suddenly she was scared!

  32. Any one on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  34. Hi,

    With the elephant , it reminds me of a one legged kiwi i saw at the zoo!!!!!

  35. i don't think should be making fun of that it's sad
